519 取“我要9”谐音,每年5月19日,新航道汇聚全国雅思,带给考生们一场学术盛宴,并且伴有系列回馈考生活动。
(1) 纯正英式发音规则讲解,帮助学员适应英式发音;(2) 独特配音模仿发音方法,寓学于乐; (3) 纠正语音语调,为雅思口语正式课程打好基础。
(1) 从雅思评分标准出发,对雅思评分细则的流利度、词汇、语法和发音等四个方面一一讲解,让学员做到有备而来;(2) 列举出简单问答的七分攻略一一讲解雅思各种问答方法及解决方案;(3) 按照各类口语话题卡讲解分析口语话题卡回答范文,讲解技巧。
蓝色港湾是中国首家 Lifestyle Shopping Park,包括购物中心、商业街、餐饮街、文化艺术休闲水岸等,不同年龄段的人都可以在这里找到适合自己的lifestyle来进行消费。这里虽然每天有人来人往,很拥挤,但是却充满活力与乐趣。
本期Part 2 话题
Describe a place that is crowded and lively.
You should say:
Where the place is
Who you went there with
What did you do there
And how you felt about the place.
第八季 Episode 43
I don’t usually go to crowded places since I prefer somewhere that is quiet and relaxing, as I get quite annoyed when there are too many people around. But I do go out, and Beijing is a big city, so if I had to choose, I wanna talk about a place named Solana. The place is an outdoor shopping center with many trendy restaurants and stores. It is located right next to Chaoyang Park, which is also in a very upscale neighborhood. Most of the shops there are boutiques, so they are swanky but a little pricy.
One of my favorite stores there is a yogurt store, and they have this blueberry avocado smoothie which is just fantastic. So whenever I go, that is the first place I visit. And then I will have dinner there. After that, maybe go for a stroll in the park, right next door grab a few drinks in the bars there. The reason I like this place is because it is in a good neighborhood, so people who go there are usually well-mannered and polite. And also, I felt this place is quite functional, as it has everything for everyone whether they are young couples or just families with kids.
1. boutique n. 精品店
2. swanky adj. 时髦且奢华的
3. pricy adj. 昂贵的
4. smoothie n. 沙冰
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