发布时间:2022-07-14 17:01:40来源:励普网
你知道怎么用英语表达吗? 名词解释:下午茶可以追溯到英国17世纪时期,绵延至今,渐变成现代人休闲习惯。一边吃着西式糕点一边喝茶。下午茶在中国逐渐流行,随着各地餐饮文化的融合,悄然在世界各地发展起来。
The warm weather outside may look perfect for outdoor exercise. But for those who are not that sporty, what could be nicer than having a relaxing afternoon tea with a few good friends and taking a break from studying or working?
Traditional afternoon tea, which is typically served between 3 pm and 5 pm, is technically a small meal, not a drink. It consists of a selection of dainty sandwiches, freshly baked scones served with cream and fruit jam, cakes and pastries. Of course, tea or coffee, served with milk and sugar, is also provided.
Nowadays, you can enjoy a traditional yet fancy afternoon tea with pot-brewed tea and delicate snacks in many restaurants and hotels.
文中的afternoon tea就是“下午茶”的意思,主要分为low tea和high tea两种,low tea一般指离午饭时间不远的下午茶,茶点一般是三明治(sandwich)、松饼(scone)和蛋糕;而high tea一般指晚饭前的茶点,多以肉食为主,如:Afternoon tea is a dainty meal.(下午茶是精致的一餐。)
第二段中的dainty是形容词,意为“精致的,美味的”,如:She collected some dainty porcelain.(她收集了一些精致的瓷器。)
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