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无论如何的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-07-14 11:04:18来源:励普网



He wouldn"t stop drinking for all the tea in China.(for all the tea in China:不管怎样都)
无论如何,他不戒酒The racer meant to win the 500-meter race at all risks.
这个参赛者下定决心无论如何要赢得500公尺赛跑的胜利。Whatever they said, she could see no signs of a "neurosis."
无论如何,四小姐那全身的神情都不像有神经病!"But, online memorial services seem to be becoming a new fashion."
无论如何,网络祭拜的形式已成为一个新的时尚。Anyhow I"ve no starry calculations to be interfered with, and no immortal works to write.
无论如何,我没有什么天文计算要被妨碍,也没有什么不朽的著作要写。I know that sounds tough, but as I said, if you"re not tough inside, the world will always push you around anyway.
我知道这样说听起来很刺耳,但是正如我说过的那样,如果你意志不够坚定,那么无论如何,你只能让世界推着你转。the way it goes;however;As it may
无论如何By any means
无论如何any case;One way or another
无论如何At any rate

adv. 无论如何,总之;随随便便地

No matter how far it is, I"ll go there anyhow.
什么远不远的,我去定了。It may snow, but anyhow I will go to town.
可能要下雪,但我无论如何要进城。Co-operation is doing with a smile what you have to do anyhow
所谓合作,就是面带笑容去做非做不可的事He"s left her? What"s the odds? He was never at home anyhow.
