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低谷的英文怎么说 低谷的英文

2023-07-10 09:37:21来源:励普网



The highest flood have the lowest ebb.
高潮之后必有低谷。The business cycle is a series of peak and trough.
商业周期是一系列的高峰期和低谷期。The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughs.
商业周期是一系列的高峰期和低谷期This failure was the nadir of her career.
这次失败是她事业上的低谷。The business cycle is a series of peak and trough.
商业周期是一系列的高峰期和低谷期。The business cycle be a series of peak and trough
商业周期是一系列的高峰期和低谷期 Rain collects in the lows. The stock market fell to a new low.
雨水聚在低洼地。股市滑入新的低谷Selling high reduces the height of peaks in a currency"s value, while buying low makes the troughs more shallow.
在高位抛售,可降低货币币值的峰值,在低处吸纳,则会抬高低谷。 The peaks and valleys that mark your personal path become easier to traverse when you surrender to them.
若能屈服于人生旅途上的巅峰和低谷,你就能轻轻松松穿越。In 1989 the price of coffee fell so low that in many countries it did not even cover the cost of production.

n. 水槽,食槽;低谷期;低气压槽

shoulder of trough valley
槽谷肩 A business cycle can be measured from peak to peak or from trough to trough
一个商业周期可以用从高峰到高峰或者从谷底到谷底来测定。The business cycle is a series of peak and trough.
商业周期是一系列的高峰期和低谷期。The business cycle is a series of peak and trough.
商业周期是一系列的高峰期和低谷期。The business cycle be a series of peak and trough
