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Cat Power - Ruin歌词 名词解释

2023-02-09 09:23:43来源:励普网

最近小编看到大家都在讨论Cat Power - Ruin歌词 名词解释相关的事情,对此呢小编也是非常的感应兴趣,那么这件事究竟是怎么发生的呢?具体又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小编搜索到的关于Cat Power - Ruin歌词 名词解释事件的相关信息,我们一起来看一下吧!


  名词解释:Cat Power,原名夏林·玛丽·马歇尔(英语:Charlyn Marie Marshall,1972年1月21日-),或称小名夏·马歇尔(Chan Marshall)或艺名猫女魔力(Cat Power),美国创作歌手,以简约曲风与略带气息的嗓音著称。

  Cat Power - Ruin


  I’ve seen gypsies who made it all the way

  And kept going, kept rolling with nowhere to go

  Nowhere to go.

  As far as I’ve seen from the bush

  In the wilderness, to every known city

  I’ve been to Saudi Arabia, Dhaka, Calcutta

  Soweto, Mozambique, Istanbul, Rio, Rome

  Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Taiwan, Great Britain

  Belfast, to the desert, Spain, Tokio

  Some little bitty island in the middle of the Pacific

  All the way back home, to my town

  To my town

  Bitching, complaining when some ṗeople who ain’t got shit to eat

  Bitching, moaning, so many people you know they got

  What are we doing?

  We’re sitting on a ruin

  What are we doing?

  We’re sitting on a ruin

  As far as I’ve seen, from the bush

  The wilderness, to every known city

  I’ve been to Saudi Arabia, Dhaka, Calcutta

  Soweto, Mozambique, Istanbul, Rio, Rome

  Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Taiwan, Great Britain

  Belfast, to the desert, Spain, Tokyo

  Some little bitty island in the middle of the Ṗacific

  All the way back home, to my town

  To my town

  Bitching, complaining when some people who ain’t got shit to eat

  Bitching, moaning, so many people you know that they got

  What are we doing?

  We’re sitting on a ruin

  What are we doing?

  We’re sitting on a ruin

  What are we doing?

  We’re sitting on a ruin

  What are we doing?

  We’re sitting on a ruin
