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2022-12-23 09:31:52来源:励普网

哈喽小伙伴们 ,今天给大家科普一个小知识。在日常生活中我们或多或少的都会接触到元音音标有哪些方面的一些说法,有的小伙伴还不是很了解,今天就给大家详细的介绍一下关于元音音标有哪些的相关内容。





  1. /i:/ 嘴巴张开,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平型。上下齿略微分开,可见部分下齿,舌前部可接触所有下齿。发音e,ee,ea,ie,ei.eo

  e: he she we me evening ee: bee tree beef sheep ea :tea pea sea teacher read bean seat speak

  ie: piece field ei: receive ceiling eo: people

  Do people see the green leaves of each tree in the field?人们看到田野中每棵树上的绿叶吗?

  2. /i/ 嘴巴微张,上下齿稍分开,可见部分上齿,舌尖可接触所有下齿,发音时舌头后缩。发音i,y,e,ay,ey.

  i: ink pig milk ship fish igloo quick insects y: windy funny happy twenty many thirsty

  e: decide delicious ay: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday

  ey: monkey

  Bill was beating a big monkey with his big fist,and his big fist was badly beaten by the big monkey.比尔正在用他的大拳头打一头大猴子,但他的大拳头被这只大猴子狠狠地咬了一口。

  3./e/ 嘴唇略微张开,上下齿稍稍分开,上下门牙部分露出。舌头轻轻接触下齿龈。发音e,a,ea.ie,ue,ai

  e: egg yes desk red elephant envelope escalator a: any many

  ea: head bread breakfast sweater pleasure ie: friend ue: guest request ai: said

  Ted sent Fred ten hens yesterday,so Fred’s fresh bread is ready already.


  4. / æ / 嘴巴张大,上下齿分开,且上下齿前端部分露出。舌尖接触到下齿龈后部,双唇向两旁平伸成扁平型。发音a,ai.

  a: cat ant man and bad flag glad back hand taxi happy black album apple alphabet

  ai: plait 辫子

  Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能像罐头工人一样装罐头吗?

  5./ ɝ / 嘴唇合拢,成小椭圆形。上下齿分开,但不露出。舌头位于口腔中央。发音ir,ur,er,or,ear.

  ir:bird girl shirt skirt third thirteen thirty circle ur: turn hurt burn nurse purse burger Thursday

  or: work word worker world ear: early earth learn heard

  The nurses in skirts washed thirty dirty skirts. 穿裙子的那个护士洗了三十条脏裙子。

  6. / ɚ / 舌身平放,舌中部略微隆起,双唇扁平。发音er,or,ou,ar,o,a,e,u.

  er: player leader teacher speaker remember

  or: doctor actor

  ou: delicious

  ar: dollar familiar

  o: today tomorrow collect

  a: sofa panda china banana Japan Canada about arrive

  e: the men

  An elevator on Everest is an everest elevator. 珠穆朗玛峰上的电梯是最高的电梯。

  7. /ɑ:/ 嘴巴张大,舌尖离开下齿,舌身平放后缩,舌后部抬起,口张开,开口最大。发音ar,a.

  ar: car far car card arm farmer garden a: fast class glass aunt

  shark [FBrk] n.鲨鱼 [fBr] adj.远的 [kBr] n.汽车

  mark [mBrk] n.标志 [Brm] n.手臂 [kBrd] n.卡片

  calm [kBm] adj.镇定的 bar [bBr] n.酒吧

  Can you drive the large car to that far bar? 你能把这辆大车开到那个离得很远的酒吧吗?

  8. /A/ 嘴巴张开,下嘴唇略低。上下齿稍稍分开,露出部分下齿。舌头位于口腔中央。发音u,o,ou,oo.

  u:up bus cut cup lunch supper umbrella umpire o: come love does mother brother monkey

  ou: country tough oo: flood blood

  Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark.


  9. /R/ 上下唇和上下齿自然张开,舌头自然垂放,双唇略圆,向前突出。发音a,al,or,au,our,ar.

  al: call wall tall ball talk walk small

  or: fork horse short sport morning

  au: autumn author

  our: four bought

  ar: warm quarter

  or: door floor a: water

  You cross a cross across a cross,or stick a cross across a cross.


  10. /B/ 嘴巴张大,上下齿分开,双唇稍稍收圆。舌头位于口腔中央。发音o,a.au,ow

  o: hot dog lot mop not fox box olive orange ostrich octopus

  a: want wash watch au: because ow: knowledge

  Tom’s got a lot of dots on his pocket. If he wants to wash off the dots,he will use a pot of hot water.


  11. / u: / 上下齿稍稍分开,舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,舌尖离开下齿,双唇突出且拢圆。发音oo,o,u,ou

  oo: too moon room boots food fool broom goose tooth

  o: shoe do two u: blue full ou: soup movie fruit chew

  How many cuckoos "kuku:] could a good cook cook if a cook could cook cuckoos?


  12. / u / 嘴巴张开,双唇向外拢圆。舌头两边卷曲但不接触上下齿。发音oo,ou,u.o.

  oo: book foot cook good look classroom ou: could should u: put push full o: woman wolf

  A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.


  13. / ei / 嘴巴张开,下唇略低。上下齿稍稍分开,可见部分下齿,舌尖可接触所有下齿,发音时舌头后缩。发音a,ay,ea,ai,ey,ei.

  a: face cake lake gate name late plane April

  ay: play say May clay ea: break great

  ai: rain paint ey: they grey ei: neighbor

  The rain in Spain is mainly on the plain.西班牙的雨一般都落在平原上。

  14. / ai / 嘴巴张开,上下齿分开,且上下齿部分露出。舌尖接触到下齿龈,发音过程中,下颚迅速向上移动,开口逐渐缩小。发音i,y,igh.

  i: bike kite fine nine white tiger ice cream ice lolly

  y: fly sky try igh: high night light right bright

  I like to ride my light white bike,and fly a white light kite with my wife.


  15. /RI/ 嘴巴张开,嘴唇拢成椭圆形;上下齿分开,但不露出;舌头位于口腔中央。发音oy,oi.

  oy: boy toy joy soy oi: oil soil boil voice choice

  The spoiled boy lost his toy and made a lot of noise.


  16. /au/ 嘴唇先稍稍分开发a音,再迅速拢成小圈状;上下齿稍分开但不露出。舌头位于口腔中央。发音ou,ow.

  ou: out loud around count mouse house blouse trousers

  ow: cow owl down brown flower

  Sounding by sound is a sound method of sounding sounds.


  17. / əu / 双唇拢圆,上下齿分开,但不露出。舌头位于口腔中央。发音o,ow,oa,ou.

  o: go no old cold home nose cone rope photo ow: row low blow know below yellow window

  oa: boat coat goat goal ou: soul

  I don’t know why Joan showed a yellow coat to the goat in the snow.


  18. / iə / 舌头从/I/滑向/r/,在接近/r/时停止,口型从小变为略开。前面的/I/发得较清楚,后面的/r/较弱,双唇始终半开。发音时力求过渡自然。发音eer,ear,ere, ea.

  eer: beer deer ear: ear near dear hear year

  ere: here ea: idea

  I shed tears for he shears my dear toy deer’s ear.


  19. /Zr/ 从/Z/滑向/r/,靠近/r/时停止。发音时舌端抵下齿,舌前部略抬起,双唇半开。发音ear,air,ere,are,eir.

  ear: pear bear air: air chair hair fair

  ere: there where are: care hare share eir: their

  The man with fair hair dare not to repair their chair there because there is a bear there. 那个有着金色头发的男人不敢修理那边的椅子,因为那里有一只熊。

  20./ uə / 舌头从/U/滑向/r/,靠近/r/时停止,嘴唇从收圆到半开。发音our,oor,ure.

  our: tour oor: poor ure: sure

  He lured the poor to lure the poorer. 他引诱穷人去诱骗更穷的人。
