2022-11-28 16:59:41来源:励普网
最近这段时间总有小伙伴问小编希望英语单词是什么 双语例句是什么,小编为此在网上搜寻了一些有关于希望英语单词是什么 双语例句的知识送给大家,希望能解答各位小伙伴的疑惑。
英语:hope; want; wish; expect; [电影]The Hope;
Dreams bring you hope and happiness.
I wish I knew a language with no speaking.
Voters want shelter from the global storms.
But I am not hopeful.
The idea is for euro zone governments to jointly guarantee their debts.
1. I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved. 我清楚地记得希望 自己没有被牵扯进去。
2. Some companies are cutting costs and hoping for the best. 有些公司在削减成本,希望 一切好转。
3. I would prefer him to be with us next season. 我更希望 他下一个赛季和我们在一起。
4. He hoped to strike it rich by investing in ginseng. 他希望 通过投资人参发大财。
5. "I wish I had a little brother," said Daphne wistfully. “我希望 有个小弟弟。”达夫妮伤感地说。
6. The arteries are diseased and a transplant is the only hope. 动脉已经发生病变,移植是唯一的希望 。
7. He wants companies to follow the European model of social responsibility. 他希望 各公司能够以欧洲公司为榜样,承担社会责任。
8. Sex education is also expected to help check the spread of AIDS. 人们还希望 性教育有助于控制艾滋病的蔓延。
9. The Socialists united behind their probable presidential candidate, Michel Rocard. 社会党人团结在他们很有希望 当选的总统候选人米歇尔·罗卡尔周围。
10. Officials hoped admitting fewer foreigners would calm the situation. 官员们希望 通过减少外国人入境的数量来使局势平定下来。
11. Hopefully, you won't have any problems after reading this. 希望 你读完这个后就不会有任何问题了。
12. I want to take advantage of your lifetime of scholarship. 我希望 能够用到您一生的学识。
13. She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity. 她曾经希望 那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。
14. The Government is anxious to keep the whole case out of court. 政府迫切希望 整件事能够在庭外解决。
15. I'm the best man for the job, I hope. 希望 我是那份工作的最佳人选。
16. Jeremy wants some peace and quiet before his big match. 杰里米希望 在大赛来临之前能享受到些许平静和安宁。
17. Herr Kohler wanted an explanation for what he described as "slanderous" remarks. 赫尔·科勒希望 有人能够为那些他称之为“造谣中伤”的言辞作出解释。
18. I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears. 我希望 我们的呼吁不会没人理睬。
19. I hope he doesn't expect you to wait up for him. 我希望 他没指望你熬夜等他。
20. I was hoping some of his genius might rub off. 我希望 他的才华也可以影响他人。