2022-11-27 14:36:17来源:励普网
哈喽小伙伴们 ,今天给大家科普一个小知识。在日常生活中我们或多或少的都会接触到船期用英语怎么说 船期的英语例句方面的一些说法,有的小伙伴还不是很了解,今天就给大家详细的介绍一下关于船期用英语怎么说 船期的英语例句的相关内容。
sailing date
ship date
The best shipment we can make is next month.
Amend credit extend shipping negotiating date15 days.
Provide professional and rational sailing date and flight arrangement.
As for the delivery time, we will have a further negotiation with the factory. Hope it won't influence the sailing date.
An example with sailing data and container status information is used to explain implementation pattern of data sharing coordination.
Buyer has the right to cancel this Contract in case that Seller delays in delivering the Products over10 weeks.
Please advise your buyers to accept the quoted shipment time as it is really the earliest we can obtain.
On the client server, users can send order, query sailing date, access to databases, etc, to realize data interchange. Nowadays, Internet EDI is brewing and XML is explored.
Training with ships equipments on board can get the best training effect, but due to sailing date, ship position, economy and safety of the ship and many other factors, it is difficult to achieve in reality.
A: When can you ship the goods?
B: In December.
A: Is there any possibility for you to ensure prompt shipment?
B: I'm afraid not. Our manufactures are fully committed at the moment. I can't give you a check that I know will bounce.
A: That will be too late. You know, Christmas is coming; we want the goods on the market before the ends of November to catch up with Christmas sales. Anyway, can you do anything to advance the shipment to November? You know, a timely delivery means a lot to us.
B: The best we can do is to effect shipment at the end of November.
A: Let me put it this way. We've agreed to conclude the deal on a FOB basis. Even if you deliver the goods at the end of November, we still have to go through the customs and this will take us about 2 weeks. If you manage to deliver the goods two or three weeks earlier, everything will be fine and we will be able to make it.
B: Well, as this is the first transaction, I think we can make a deal. I'll get in touch with the manufacturer and ask them to try their best to advance the shipment to middle of November. Perhaps some other orders will be canceled. We'll keep you informed.
A: That's very kind of you. I'm looking forward to receiving your advice of shipment as early as possible.