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添加剂的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-08-16 10:53:12来源:励普网




This food is guaranteed additive-free, ie The manufacturer officially promises that it contains no additives.
该食品保证不含添加剂。People can react badly to certain food additives.
有的人对某些食物添加剂产生严重变态反应.This pigment is a good common food additive.
该色素是稳定性好的食品添加剂。EAL-68 with small amount of additive is suitable for R407C in variable frequency rotary compressors of YZB-20R.
EAL-68型POE润滑油加入少量添加剂可以作为R407C的YZB-20R型变频压缩机用油。The orange juice contains a number of additives.
这种桔子汁含有多种化学添加剂。Additive was an important for compound fertilizer.
添加剂是复混肥料中不可忽视的组分。 Wetting agent: An additive, such as alcohol, which decreases the surface tension of water.
湿润剂:降低水的表面张力的添加剂;例如:醇。No artificial colorings,additives or preservatives
不含人造色素、添加剂和防腐剂Ion Chromatographic Method for Determination of Impurities in Tripolyphosphate
离子色谱法测定食品添加剂三聚磷酸盐中的杂质含量Polysaccharides such as scleroglucan are used by the oil industry as drilling mud additives.

n. 添加剂;加法
adj. 附加的;加法的

There is no room for addition.
没有增加的余地。addition or extension that prolongs sth
增加或延长的部分. He is very clever at addition.
他擅长加法。A new baby is an addition to the family.
新生儿给家庭增加一口人。Additive was an important for compound fertilizer.
