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陷阱的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-07-18 09:37:15来源:励普网



Radar trap
雷达陷阱The fox was beguiled into trap
那只狐狸被诱入陷阱。Beware of the poverty gap trap.
小心贫富差距的陷阱。 Snare a rabbit in a trap
以陷阱捕兔To lure or entrap by or as if by a decoy.
诱捕用诱饵吸引或设陷阱。But one of the first things we saw was a warning about a "phishing scam".
而我们最先看到的是关于“网络钓鱼陷阱”的一个警告。Every question was a trap, a contrived progression towards a preconceived conclusion.
每个问题都是一个陷阱,事先策划好了,一步一步达到早已作出的结论。A concealed hole in the ground used as a trap; a pitfall.
陷阱地上用做陷阱的隐藏的洞;陷阱A rabbit was caught in a snare
用陷阱猎获兔子。Trap handler

n. 陷阱,圈套
v. 捕捉;诱惑;谋得,诱获

An old fox be not easily snare .
老狐狸难上圈套。 We are going to snare birds.
我们准备用网捉鸟去。He fell into a snare laid by his enemy.
他落入仇人设的圈套。the exam was full of trap questions; it was all a snare and delusion.
警方提醒市民勿中外币诈骗团伙的圈套。 We saw their hope turn into a snare, and their rejoicing into weeping.
