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2023-11-12 10:04:22来源:励普网




As they climb the plush staircase side by side, watched by liveried footmen, there is no mistaking the glamour of the occasion.铺着红地毯的华贵楼梯、两旁侍立的着制服的卫兵,两人拾级而上,这一场景的奢华之美毋庸置疑。

This is Downton Abbey’s rebellious Lady Rose, accompanied by her aunt Cora, Countess of Grantham, at her "coming out" at Buckingham Palace.这是《唐顿庄园》中叛逆的罗丝小姐,在她的姑母柯拉、即格兰瑟姆伯爵夫人的陪伴下,在白金汉宫被介绍给社交界时的场景。

The scene is from the two-hour Christmas Day episode, which promises to be quite the contrast to last year’s festive offering. Then, many fans complained that ITV had ruined their day by killing off much-loved character Matthew Crawley in a car crash.这一幕来自于《唐顿庄园》2小时的圣诞节特集。今年的特集将与去年明显不同。在去年的圣诞特辑中,人气角色马修·克劳利丧生于车祸,许多观众抱怨马修的死破坏了节庆气氛。

This year it would seem they can look forward to a cheerier affair as the Crawley family and their servants celebrate the summer season.这一季的《唐顿庄园》中主要讲述克劳利一家人及家仆在怡人夏季的故事,观众们有望看到更欢快的剧情。

The "Downton Abbey" Christmas special will air Wednesday, Dec. 25 in the U.K., while the full Season 4 will begin airing in the U.S. on Sunday, Jan. 5, 2014.